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Check the label on fruit juice: look for “100% fruit juice” to avoid excess sugar and reap the nutritious benefits.
American Dietetic Association

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Understanding the Indoor Environment




Lesson 1
Introduction and Overview to IAQ

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to a unit of study on the topic of the indoor environment. Students will be able to list questions, vocabulary and key ideas to learn during the unit of study. Students will brainstorm concepts related to the indoor environment, define the concept of the indoor environment, and list properties of the indoor environment.


Lesson 2
Floor Covering Investigation

The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to determine sources of indoor pollution by investigating the pros and cons of various types of flooring (using Internet research). Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the connection between indoor air pollution and its effects on occupant health.


Lesson 3
Creating Public Awareness

The purpose of this lesson is to encourage students to prevent indoor environment problems by promoting public awareness. Students will design billboards that will educate building occupants on various IAQ problems.


Lesson 4
Using the Problem Solving Wheel

The purpose of this lesson is to provide students with an opportunity to solve problems utilizing the EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools Problem Solving Wheel.


Lesson 5
Ventilation Basics Video Inquiry

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students how ventilation systems are used to provide quality air in the indoor environment. Students will participate in a video bingo game while watching the EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools Ventilation Basics Video.


Lesson 6
Movement of Air Diorama Activity

The purpose of this lesson is to foster an understanding of mechanical airflow.
Students will make dioramas representing mechanical airflow and writing a 3-4 sentence description.


Lesson 7
Movement of Air
Mind Map Activity

The purpose of this lesson is foster an understanding of mechanical airflow.
Students will create mind maps to explain the process of mechanical airflow.


Lesson 8
Movement of Air Physical Model Activity

The purpose of this lesson is foster an understanding of mechanical airflow.
Students will create physical models that demonstrate mechanical airflow.


Lesson 9
Identifying Indoor Environment Pollution Sources (List, Group, Label Activity)

The purpose of this activity is to develop an understanding for the causes of indoor air pollution. Students will categorize the causes of indoor air pollution using a list, group, label strategy.


Lesson 10
Preventing and Fixing Indoor Air Pollution Venn Diagram Activity

The purpose of this lesson is to develop solutions to indoor environment problems. Students will create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting solutions, determine if the solutions will prevent or fix the problems, and write a summary of the Venn Diagram.


Lesson 11
Invention Project

The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to demonstrate knowledge at the culmination of a unit of study about IAQ. Students will design inventions that will prevent or fix indoor environment problems.


Lesson 12
Magazine Publication Project

The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to demonstrate knowledge at the culmination of a unit of study about IAQ. Students will design and publish a magazine about IAQ.


Lesson 13
School Board Presentation

The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to demonstrate knowledge at the culmination of a unit of study about IAQ. Students will write and deliver speeches to inform school board members about IAQ problems and the importance of IAQ management plans in preventing and solving those problems.


Lesson 14
Vocabulary Development
ABC Book

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Students will create ABC books using IAQ vocabulary words.


Lesson 15
Vocabulary Development
Deck of Word Cards

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Students will be able to recall definitions of vocabulary words by writing sentences using those words.


Lesson 16
Vocabulary Development
Dictionary Game

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Using the main concept from the game “Balderdash”, students will be able to learn new IAQ vocabulary words.


Lesson 17
Vocabulary Development
Listening for Vocabulary Words

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Students will use listening skills to identify IAQ vocabulary words.


Lesson 18
Vocabulary Development
Acquiring New Vocabulary Through Discussion Groups

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Using structured discussion groups, students will be able to locate unfamiliar words within an assigned text and determine their meaning using a variety of strategies (such as prior knowledge, context clues, group discussion, and media sources). Students will be able to acquire new vocabulary identified from the assigned text.


Lesson 19
Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary Puzzles

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Students will create and complete puzzles using the definitions of IAQ vocabulary words.


Lesson 20
Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary Zoo

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. This is a whole class activity where students use listening skills to recall new IAQ vocabulary words and definitions.


Lesson 21
Vocabulary Development
Word Walls

The purpose of this lesson is to develop an understanding for the meaning of vocabulary words during a study or unit about IAQ. Students will be able to identify and define words that appear on the word wall.
